
Ethan The Welder

I’m Ethan from North Carolina. I have been working as an industrial welding engineer for a long time. Besides my professional journey, I choose to write about metal cutting & welding so that users can have greater access to true & unbiased opinions. My expertise includes deep technical aspects of plasma cutters, CNC machines, laser cutters & welders. I try to write about facts & challenging aspects along with suggestions of suitable products so that you have the right products that fit the purpose.

My Passion

Once I was searching for a laser engraver that works in leather. Though, I had very little knowledge about that I had to read a lot of blogs that confused me a lot. After a couple of years, I faced a similar issue with another thing that highly motivated me to write about what I know. It helps people as well as helps me to earn a little more extra.

How do I work?

At the very initial stage, I chose the topic and start collecting information.
Then, I start pulling up my real-life experience with the subject. It’s weird, but true that I sketch the table of contents in a notebook with a pen. If everything gets collected, I make the draft and start gathering the related visuals so that the explanations seems plausible to you.